springboot 2.3.0 while connecting to h2 database springboot 2.3.0 while connecting to h2 database database database

springboot 2.3.0 while connecting to h2 database

You can fix this by setting the spring.datasource.url property like so:


Prior to Spring Boot 2.3.0-RELEASE this was the default, but I'm not sure where it's set. As of 2.3.0-RELEASE, the schema looks to be a randomly generated GUID.

Step 1. In application.properties:


Step 2. Start your Spring Boot App and open:


If you still face issue try pasting the URL value which you mentioned in application.properties jdbc:h2:mem:testdb in

JDBC URL of h2-console 

Then you wont face below mentioned issueDatabase h2 not found, either pre-create it or allow remote database creation (not recommended in secure environments) [90149-200] 90149/90149 (Help)

Actually, your h2 databse is looking for a file called test.mv.db. Butthat file was not present in your user directory. So, that it justslapping you and asking you to pre-create it in that path.

Note: That is the root file where our H2 DB store all our information.

  1. Add below line in your application.properties file
    spring.datasource.url = jdbc:h2:mem:testdb

  2. Go to your user directory, in my case, it is (C:\Users\subra)

  3. Create a new file called test.mv.db and saved it under all file option like below.

    Save Format

  4. Now restart your app.

  5. Done

Reference Screenshot:

My Problem:

My Problem

The Result

The Result