SQL ignore part of WHERE if parameter is null SQL ignore part of WHERE if parameter is null database database

SQL ignore part of WHERE if parameter is null

How about something like

SELECT Id, col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM    myTable WHERE   col1 LIKE @Param1+'%'OR      @Param1 IS NULL

in this specific case you could have also used

SELECT Id, col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM    myTable WHERE   col1 LIKE ISNULL(@Param1,'')+'%'

But in general you can try something like

SELECT Id, col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM    myTable WHERE   (condition1 OR @Param1 IS NULL)AND     (condition2 OR @Param2 IS NULL)AND     (condition3 OR @Param3 IS NULL)...AND     (conditionN OR @ParamN IS NULL)

CREATE PROCEDURE myProcedure    @Param1 nvarchar(50),    @Param2 nvarchar(50),    @Param3 nvarchar(50),    @Param4 nvarchar(50)ASBEGIN    IF(@Param1 IS NULL)        BEGIN            SELECT Id, col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM myTable        END    ELSE        BEGIN            SELECT Id, col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM myTable WHERE col1 LIKE @Param1+'%' OR @Param1 is Null        ENDEND

This should help


Ashutosh Arya

If you mean @param1 is parameter for col1, @param2 is parameter for col2,... etcYou can try this:

CREATE PROCEDURE myProcedure@Param1 nvarchar(50),@Param2 nvarchar(50),@Param3 nvarchar(50),@Param4 nvarchar(50)ASBEGINdeclare @query nvarchar(4000)SET @query='SELECT Id, col1, col2, col3, col4 FROM myTable '+    (case when ((@Param1 is null) and (@Param2 is null) and (@Param3 is null) and (@Param4 is null))    then ''    else        'where '+        (case when @Param1 is not null        then ' col1 like '''+@param1+'%'''+            (case when @param2 is not null then ' AND ' else '' end)        else '' end)+        (case when @Param2 is not null        then ' col2 like '''+@param2+'%'''+            (case when @param3 is not null then ' AND ' else '' end)        else '' end)+        (case when @Param3 is not null        then ' col3 like '''+@param3+'%'''+            (case when @param4 is not null then ' AND ' else '' end)        else '' end)+        (case when @Param4 is not null        then ' col4 like '''+@param4+'%'''        else '' end)    end)exec sp_sqlexec @query