SQL recursive query on self referencing table (Oracle) SQL recursive query on self referencing table (Oracle) database database

SQL recursive query on self referencing table (Oracle)


    SELECT t1.id,            t1.parent_id,            t1.name,           t2.name AS parent_name,           t2.id AS parent_id      FROM tbl t1 LEFT JOIN tbl t2 ON t2.id = t1.parent_idSTART WITH t1.id = 1 CONNECT BY PRIOR t1.id = t1.parent_id

What about using PRIOR,


SELECT id, parent_id, PRIOR name   FROM tbl START WITH id = 1 CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id`

or if you want to get the root name

SELECT id, parent_id, CONNECT_BY_ROOT name   FROM tbl START WITH id = 1 CONNECT BY PRIOR id = parent_id

Using the new nested query syntax

with q(name, id, parent_id, parent_name) as (    select       t1.name, t1.id,       null as parent_id, null as parent_name     from t1    where t1.id = 1  union all    select       t1.name, t1.id,       q.id as parent_id, q.name as parent_name     from t1, q    where t1.parent_id = q.id)select * from q