Store array of numbers in database field Store array of numbers in database field database database

Store array of numbers in database field

Separate table, normalized

Not as XML or json , but separate numbers in separate rows

No matter what you think, it's the best way. You can thank me later

The "best" way to store data in a database is the way that is most conducive to the operations that will be performed on it and the one which makes maintenance easiest. It is this later requirement which should lead you to a normalized solution which means storing the integers in a table with a relationship. Beyond being easier to update, it is easier for the next developer that comes after you to understand what and how the information is stored.

Store it as a JSON array but know that all accesses will now be for the entire array - no individual read/writes to specific coefficients.

In our case, we're storing them as a json array. Like your case, there is no relationship between individual array numbers - the array only make sense as a unit and as a unit it DOES has a relationship with other columns in the table. By the way, everything else IS normalized. I liken it to this: If you were going to store a 10 byte chunk, you'd save it packed in a single column of VARBINARY(10). You wouldn't shard it into 10 bytes, store each in a column of VARBINARY(1) and then stitch them together with a foreign key. I mean you could - but it wouldn't make any sense.

YOU as the developer will need to understand how 'monolithic' that array of int's really is.