Storing Friends in Database for Social Network Storing Friends in Database for Social Network database database

Storing Friends in Database for Social Network

The most proper way to do this would be to have the table of Members (obviously), and a second table of Friend relationships.

You should never ever store foreign keys in a string like that. What's the point? You can't join on them, sort on them, group on them, or any other things that justify having a relational database in the first place.

If we assume that the Member table looks like this:

MemberID int Primary KeyName varchar(100) Not null--etc

Then your Friendship table should look like this:

Member1ID int Foreign Key -> Member.MemberIDMember2ID int Foreign Key -> Member.MemberIDCreated datetime Not Null--etc

Then, you can join the tables together to pull a list of friends

SELECT m.*FROM Member mRIGHT JOIN Friendship f ON f.Member2ID = m.MemberIDWHERE f.MemberID = @MemberID

(This is specifically SQL Server syntax, but I think it's pretty close to MySQL. The @MemberID is a parameter)

This is always going to be faster than splitting a string and making 30 extra SQL queries to pull the relevant data.

Separate table as in method 1. method 2 is bad because you would have to unserialize it each time and wont be able to do JOINS on it; plus UPDATE's will be a nightmare if a user changes his name, email or other properties.

sure the table will be huge, but you can index it on Member11_id, set the foreign key back to your user table and could have static row sizes and maybe even limit the amount of friends a single user can have. I think it wont be an issue with mysql if you do it right; even if you hit a few million rows in your relationship table.