Tree of all dependencies in a SQL Server database Tree of all dependencies in a SQL Server database database database

Tree of all dependencies in a SQL Server database

Higarian, your code was very useful to me. I refined it a bit to remove circular dependencies, include table references, and to sort by the ObjectPath.

;with ObjectHierarchy ( Base_Object_Id , Base_Cchema_Id , Base_Object_Name , Base_Object_Type, object_id , Schema_Id , Name , Type_Desc , Level , Obj_Path) as     ( select  so.object_id as Base_Object_Id         , so.schema_id as Base_Cchema_Id         , as Base_Object_Name         , so.type_desc as Base_Object_Type        , so.object_id as object_id         , so.schema_id as Schema_Id         ,         , so.type_desc         , 0 as Level         , convert ( nvarchar ( 1000 ) , N'/' + ) as Obj_Path     from sys.objects so         left join sys.sql_expression_dependencies ed on ed.referenced_id = so.object_id         left join sys.objects rso on rso.object_id = ed.referencing_id     where rso.type is null         and so.type in ( 'P', 'V', 'IF', 'FN', 'TF' )     union all     select   cp.Base_Object_Id as Base_Object_Id         , cp.Base_Cchema_Id         , cp.Base_Object_Name         , cp.Base_Object_Type        , so.object_id as object_id         , so.schema_id as ID_Schema         ,         , so.type_desc         , Level + 1 as Level         , convert ( nvarchar ( 1000 ) , cp.Obj_Path + N'/' + ) as Obj_Path     from sys.objects so         inner join sys.sql_expression_dependencies ed on ed.referenced_id = so.object_id         inner join sys.objects rso on rso.object_id = ed.referencing_id         inner join ObjectHierarchy as cp on rso.object_id = cp.object_id and rso.object_id <> so.object_id     where so.type in ( 'P', 'V', 'IF', 'FN', 'TF', 'U')         and ( rso.type is null or rso.type in ( 'P', 'V', 'IF', 'FN', 'TF', 'U' ) )         and cp.Obj_Path not like '%/' + + '/%' )   -- prevent cycles n hierarcyselect   Base_Object_Name     , Base_Object_Type    , REPLICATE ( '   ' , Level ) + Name as Indented_Name     , SCHEMA_NAME ( Schema_Id ) + '.' + Name as object_id     , Type_Desc as Object_Type     , Level     , Obj_Path from ObjectHierarchy as p order by Obj_Path

There are paid tools like redgate but if you want, you can always right click an object and select "view dependencies".

Here, The max(level) should solve your problem without needing external tools

;WITH   cte ( [ID] ,IDSchema,Nome,Tipo,level, SortCol)AS     (SELECT [so].[object_id] AS ID               ,so.[schema_id],so.[name],so.[type]               ,0 AS [Level]                    ,CAST ([so].[object_id] AS VARBINARY (MAX)) AS SortCol          FROM [sys].[objects] so            LEFT JOIN  sys.sql_expression_dependencies ed ON [ed].[referenced_id]=[so].[object_id]            LEFT JOIN [sys].[objects] rso ON rso.[object_id]=[ed].referencing_id            --in my database, if i insert tables on the search, it gets more tham 100 levels of recursivity, and that is bad        WHERE [rso].[type]  IS NULL AND [so].[type] IN ('V','IF','FN','TF','P')        UNION ALL        SELECT [so].[object_id] AS ID            ,so.[schema_id],so.[name],so.[type]               ,Level + 1               ,CAST (SortCol + CAST ([so].[object_id] AS BINARY (4)) AS VARBINARY (MAX))        FROM   [sys].[objects] so               INNER JOIN  sys.sql_expression_dependencies ed ON [ed].[referenced_id]=[so].[object_id]               INNER JOIN [sys].[objects] rso ON rso.[object_id]=[ed].referencing_id               INNER JOIN cte AS cp ON rso.[object_id] = [cp].[ID]            WHERE [so].[type] IN ('V','IF','FN','TF','P')            AND  ([rso].[type] IS NULL OR  [rso].[type]  IN ('V','IF','FN','TF','P'))            )--CTESELECT  ID, IDSchema,    REPLICATE('   ',level)+nome AS Nome,'['+SCHEMA_NAME(IDSchema)+'].['+nome+']' AS Object,Tipo,Level,SortColFROM     cte AS pORDER BY  sortcol