Using a database table as a queue Using a database table as a queue database database

Using a database table as a queue

I'd use an IDENTITY field as the primary key to provide the uniquely incrementing ID for each queued item, and stick a clustered index on it. This would represent the order in which the items were queued.

To keep the items in the queue table while you process them, you'd need a "status" field to indicate the current status of a particular item (e.g. 0=waiting, 1=being processed, 2=processed). This is needed to prevent an item be processed twice.

When processing items in the queue, you'd need to find the next item in the table NOT currently being processed. This would need to be in such a way so as to prevent multiple processes picking up the same item to process at the same time as demonstrated below. Note the table hints UPDLOCK and READPAST which you should be aware of when implementing queues.

e.g. within a sproc, something like this:

DECLARE @NextID INTEGERBEGIN TRANSACTION-- Find the next queued item that is waiting to be processedSELECT TOP 1 @NextID = IDFROM MyQueueTable WITH (UPDLOCK, READPAST)WHERE StateField = 0ORDER BY ID ASC-- if we've found one, mark it as being processedIF @NextId IS NOT NULL    UPDATE MyQueueTable SET Status = 1 WHERE ID = @NextIdCOMMIT TRANSACTION-- If we've got an item from the queue, return to whatever is going to process itIF @NextId IS NOT NULL    SELECT * FROM MyQueueTable WHERE ID = @NextID

If processing an item fails, do you want to be able to try it again later? If so, you'll need to either reset the status back to 0 or something. That will require more thought.

Alternatively, don't use a database table as a queue, but something like MSMQ - just thought I'd throw that in the mix!

If you do not remove your processed rows, then you are going to need some sort of flag that indicates that a row has already been processed.

Put an index on that flag, and on the column you are going to order by.

Partition your table over that flag, so the dequeued transactions are not clogging up your queries.

If you would really get 1.000 messages every second, that would result in 86.400.000 rows a day. You might want to think of some way to clean up old rows.

Everything depends on your database engine/implementation.

For me simple queues on tables with following columns:

id / task / priority / date_added

usually works.

I used priority and task to group tasks and in case of doubled task i choosed the one with bigger priority.

And don't worry - for modern databases "thousands" is nothing special.