using "if" and "else" Stored Procedures MySQL using "if" and "else" Stored Procedures MySQL database database

using "if" and "else" Stored Procedures MySQL

The problem is you either haven't closed your if or you need an elseif:

create procedure checando(    in nombrecillo varchar(30),    in contrilla varchar(30),     out resultado int)begin     if exists (select * from compas where nombre = nombrecillo and contrasenia = contrilla) then        set resultado = 0;    elseif exists (select * from compas where nombre = nombrecillo) then        set resultado = -1;    else         set resultado = -2;    end if;end;

I think that this construct: if exists (select... is specific for MS SQL. In MySQL EXISTS predicate tells you whether the subquery finds any rows and it's used like this: SELECT column1 FROM t1 WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM t2);

You can rewrite the above lines of code like this:

DELIMITER $$CREATE PROCEDURE `checando`(in nombrecillo varchar(30), in contrilla varchar(30), out resultado int)BEGIN    DECLARE count_prim INT;    DECLARE count_sec INT;    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO count_prim FROM compas WHERE nombre = nombrecillo AND contrasenia = contrilla;    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO count_sec FROM FROM compas WHERE nombre = nombrecillo;    if (count_prim > 0) then        set resultado = 0;    elseif (count_sec > 0) then        set resultado = -1;    else         set resultado = -2;    end if;    SELECT resultado;END

you can use CASE WHEN as follow as achieve the as IF ELSE.

SELECT FROM A a LEFT JOIN B b ON a.col1 = b.col1 AND (CASE         WHEN a.col2 like '0%' then TRIM(LEADING '0' FROM a.col2)        ELSE substring(a.col2,1,2)    END)=b.col2; 

p.s:just in case somebody needs this way.