Visual Studio DataSet Designer Refresh Tables Visual Studio DataSet Designer Refresh Tables database database

Visual Studio DataSet Designer Refresh Tables

Each table has a default query (The one on top with the check on it). When you dragged your tables in to the dataset to create the query, it wrote a SQL statement which it uses to schema your table. Keep that query simple, you might not actually use it in code, and you can always edit that query to update the table schema.

Every time you open the default query it connects to your datasource and allows you to select new columns that weren't in there before. If you want to update your existing columns, delete all the columns out of the table before you attempt to open the query. When you save the query, your updated columns get added back.

Make sure your connection string has permissions to view column information.

I reported this to MSFT but no response. The designer hangs all the time on the simplest of SQL statements. What I found that works for me is.

  1. Add a new table to the designer.
  2. Save it.
  3. Shut down visual studio 2010.
  4. Start VS 2010.
  5. Add one or two more SQL statements and follow steps 2-4 again.

This is a pain in the neck but the only thing that stops Visual Studio dataset designer from hanging. I experienced in this same issue in VS 2008. I am connecting to Oracle but still shutting down VS and starting it back up works, but really, this is nonsense.

You can add/change/remove fields and relation ships, but i would suggest looking into NHibernate.