What do you think of Postgres and Firebird Databases? [closed] What do you think of Postgres and Firebird Databases? [closed] database database

What do you think of Postgres and Firebird Databases? [closed]

I've always been impressed with Postgres; it's traditionally had a more complete feature set (in terms of ACID compliance, support for advanced queries, etc.) than MySQL, it has solid Windows ODBC drivers, and its documentation scrupulously points out any areas in which it deviates from the SQL standard. (All databases, it seems, deviate in one respect or another, but Postgres is the only one I've seen that makes sure you know when you're doing so.) I haven't tried the usage scenario you describe, but I've had no problems running it on Linux and accessing it from both Windows ODBC and Linux clients.

I don't have any experience with Firebird; sorry.

I'm using firebird database since 1.0

I'm very happy with it

I'm using on windows and linux

Some time ago, I used to work with odbc. No problems and very easy

Easy instalation, very small maintenance, rocks

Dividing db in several files is an option, but I don't recomend you to do it

After server crashes (electric problem or full harddisk) the system continues working inmediatly without any maintenance

I have versiĆ³n 2.1 on testing and 1.5 on production

I'm using flamerobin to manage both versions

Hellen's book is great to learn about firebird

I also tested and read about postgresql.

It looks a great db server

Since long time, they are using multigenerational records (as firebird before interbase before groton databases did since the begining)

On postgresql, now you need to vacued records (on firebird it is called sweep)

Someone told you it wasn't necesary on postgresql, but I don't thing so

postgresql has a better language. You can write your own funcions with this language (on firebird you have to write new functions on c, c++, etc...)

postgresql has more data types. In fact you have several of them.You also have full search.

On postgresql you also have regular expresions (I think in where, and therefore with sustitution options). This funcionality will be ready on firebird very soon

In any case, I'm very happy with firebird and it evolucion.

Postgresql and firebird are improving and diferences bettwen them are smaller

Many of the comments comparing firebird and postgresql are copied from... http://www.firebirdsql.org/dotnetfirebird/blog/2005/03/firebird-advantages-over-postgresql.html

this is an old comparation. I don't think postgresql driver on .net is not mature now

With firebird you cannot connect from one database to another (it will be possible in a short future)

Firebird is smaller and easer than postgresql, but it's also very good in performance, stability and low mantenaince


I've been using Firebird for several years. Its been rock solid and I'm very happy with it. Excellent comprehensive documentation is available via Borrie's "The Firebird Book" & its updates. Awesome administration capabilities are available using IBexpert.