What's the best strategy for unit-testing database-driven applications? What's the best strategy for unit-testing database-driven applications? database database

What's the best strategy for unit-testing database-driven applications?

I've actually used your first approach with quite some success, but in a slightly different ways that I think would solve some of your problems:

  1. Keep the entire schema and scripts for creating it in source control so that anyone can create the current database schema after a check out. In addition, keep sample data in data files that get loaded by part of the build process. As you discover data that causes errors, add it to your sample data to check that errors don't re-emerge.

  2. Use a continuous integration server to build the database schema, load the sample data, and run tests. This is how we keep our test database in sync (rebuilding it at every test run). Though this requires that the CI server have access and ownership of its own dedicated database instance, I say that having our db schema built 3 times a day has dramatically helped find errors that probably would not have been found till just before delivery (if not later). I can't say that I rebuild the schema before every commit. Does anybody? With this approach you won't have to (well maybe we should, but its not a big deal if someone forgets).

  3. For my group, user input is done at the application level (not db) so this is tested via standard unit tests.

Loading Production Database Copy:
This was the approach that was used at my last job. It was a huge pain cause of a couple of issues:

  1. The copy would get out of date from the production version
  2. Changes would be made to the copy's schema and wouldn't get propagated to the production systems. At this point we'd have diverging schemas. Not fun.

Mocking Database Server:
We also do this at my current job. After every commit we execute unit tests against the application code that have mock db accessors injected. Then three times a day we execute the full db build described above. I definitely recommend both approaches.

I'm always running tests against an in-memory DB (HSQLDB or Derby) for these reasons:

  • It makes you think which data to keep in your test DB and why. Just hauling your production DB into a test system translates to "I have no idea what I'm doing or why and if something breaks, it wasn't me!!" ;)
  • It makes sure the database can be recreated with little effort in a new place (for example when we need to replicate a bug from production)
  • It helps enormously with the quality of the DDL files.

The in-memory DB is loaded with fresh data once the tests start and after most tests, I invoke ROLLBACK to keep it stable. ALWAYS keep the data in the test DB stable! If the data changes all the time, you can't test.

The data is loaded from SQL, a template DB or a dump/backup. I prefer dumps if they are in a readable format because I can put them in VCS. If that doesn't work, I use a CSV file or XML. If I have to load enormous amounts of data ... I don't. You never have to load enormous amounts of data :) Not for unit tests. Performance tests are another issue and different rules apply.

I have been asking this question for a long time, but I think there is no silver bullet for that.

What I currently do is mocking the DAO objects and keeping a in memory representation of a good collection of objects that represent interesting cases of data that could live on the database.

The main problem I see with that approach is that you're covering only the code that interacts with your DAO layer, but never testing the DAO itself, and in my experience I see that a lot of errors happen on that layer as well. I also keep a few unit tests that run against the database (for the sake of using TDD or quick testing locally), but those tests are never run on my continuous integration server, since we don't keep a database for that purpose and I think tests that run on CI server should be self-contained.

Another approach I find very interesting, but not always worth since is a little time consuming, is to create the same schema you use for production on an embedded database that just runs within the unit testing.

Even though there's no question this approach improves your coverage, there are a few drawbacks, since you have to be as close as possible to ANSI SQL to make it work both with your current DBMS and the embedded replacement.

No matter what you think is more relevant for your code, there are a few projects out there that may make it easier, like DbUnit.