What's your opinion on using UUIDs as database row identifiers, particularly in web apps? What's your opinion on using UUIDs as database row identifiers, particularly in web apps? database database

What's your opinion on using UUIDs as database row identifiers, particularly in web apps?

I can't say about the web side of your question. But uuids are great for n-tier applications. PK generation can be decentralized: each client generates it's own pk without risk of collision. And the speed difference is generally small.

Make sure your database supports an efficient storage datatype (16 bytes, 128 bits).At the very least you can encode the uuid string in base64 and use char(22).

I've used them extensively with Firebird and do recommend.

For what it's worth, I've seen a long running stored procedure (9+ seconds) drop to just a few hundred milliseconds of run time simply by switching from GUID primary keys to integers. That's not to say displaying a GUID is a bad idea, but as others have pointed out, joining on them, and indexing them, by definition, is not going to be anywhere near as fast as with integers.

I can answer you that in SQL server if you use a uniqueidentifier (GUID) datatype and use the NEWID() function to create values you will get horrible fragmentation because of page splits. The reason is that when using NEWID() the value generated is not sequential. SQL 2005 added the NEWSEQUANTIAL() function to remedy that

One way to still use GUID and int is to have a guid and an int in a table so that the guid maps to the int. the guid is used externally but the int internally in the DB

for example

457180FB-C2EA-48DF-8BEF-458573DA1C10    19A70FF3C-B7DA-4593-93AE-4A8945943C8A    2

1 and 2 will be used in joins and the guids in the web app. This table will be pretty narrow and should be pretty fast to query