When to start MongoDB sharding When to start MongoDB sharding database database

When to start MongoDB sharding

I would start sharding when you hit about 60-70% resource utilisation. This could be both hard disk space and RAM. The 256 GB limit is indeed there, it's documented at http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/limits/#Sharding%20Existing%20Collection%20Data%20Size

I have found the limit to be based on reads/writes; afterall sharding is about increasing capacity, mainly writes, while replica sets being more concerned with reads. However, using separate servers (nodes) for ranges of data (shard key) can help reads too so it does have a knock on effect for both.

For example you could be only using 40% of your current servers memory with your current working set but due to the amount of writes being sent to that single server you could actually be seeing speed problems due to IO. At this time you would take sharding into account.

So really I would personally say, and this question is heavily opinion based, that you should shard when you feel as though you need more capacity for operations than is cost effective for a single replica set.

I have known of single replica setups that can take what, normally, an entire cluster would but it depends on how big your budget is. As a computer gets bigger it gets more expensive.