Where does WAMP server store database files Where does WAMP server store database files database database

Where does WAMP server store database files

On my system, they are in C:\Program Files (x86)\WampServer\bin\mysql\mysql5.1.53\data. So in yours they would be in E:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql-version\data.

You can start mysql locally from E:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql-version\bin, where all the executables are. Be aware that the configuration file you want to use is E:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql-version\my.ini.

You can also simply copy all the subdirectories to another server. I'm no MySql expert, but that should let the other server use your databases without problem.

I needed to re-install Wamp and I recovered my databases by copying the data directory in wamp\bin\mysql\mysql-version\ from a backup, phpMyAdmin picked up the databases and tables.