Yii SQL Profiling of AJAX calls Yii SQL Profiling of AJAX calls database database

Yii SQL Profiling of AJAX calls

You can try to extend CFileLogRoute in the manner proposed below and enable it in application's configuration like this:

'log'=>array(    'class'=>'CLogRouter',    'routes'=>array(        array(            'class'=>'ProfileLogRoute',            'levels' => "profile"        )    ))

In this case all profiled queries will be written to a log file located in protected/runtime directory (overriding of processLogs method is implemented likewise summary report of CProfileWebRoute...unfortunately CProfileWebRoute is derived from CWebLogRoute):

<?php  class ProfileLogRoute extends CFileLogRoute{    protected function processLogs($logs)    {        $logFile=$this->getLogPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->getLogFile();        if(@filesize($logFile)>$this->getMaxFileSize()*1024)            $this->rotateFiles();        $fp=@fopen($logFile,'a');        @flock($fp,LOCK_EX);        $profileStack = array();        $profileResults = array();        foreach ($logs as $log)        {            if ($log[1] === CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE)            {                $message = $log[0];                if (!strncasecmp($message, 'begin:', 6))                {                    $log[0] = substr($message,6);                    $profileStack[] = $log;                }                else if(!strncasecmp($message, 'end:', 4))                {                    $token = substr($message,4);                    if(($last = array_pop($profileStack)) !== null && $last[0] === $token)                    {                        $info = array(                            'delta' => $log[3] - $last[3],                            'category' => $last[2],                            'time' => $last[3]                        );                        $this->aggregateResult($token, $info, $profileResults);                    }                    else                    {                        throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CProfileLogRoute found a mismatching code block "{token}". Make sure the calls to Yii::beginProfile() and Yii::endProfile() be properly nested.',                            array('{token}'=>$token)));                    }                }            }            else            {                @fwrite($fp,$this->formatLogMessage($log[0],$log[1],$log[2],$log[3]));            }        }        if (!empty($profileResults))        {            $now = microtime(true);            while(($last = array_pop($profileStack)) !== null)            {                $info = array(                    'delta' => $now - $last[3],                    'category' => $last[2],                    'time' => $last[3]                );                $token = $last[0];                $this->aggregateResult($token, $info, $profileResults);            }            $entries = array_values($profileResults);            $func = create_function('$a,$b','return $a["total"]<$b["total"]?1:0;');            usort($entries, $func);            foreach ($entries as $entry)            {                $message = sprintf("Min: % 11.8f    Max: % 11.8f    Total: % 11.8f    Calls: % 3d    %s", $entry['min'], $entry['max'], $entry['total'], $entry['calls'], $entry['token']);                @fwrite($fp, $this->formatLogMessage($message, CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE, $entry['category'], $entry['time']));            }        }        @flock($fp,LOCK_UN);        @fclose($fp);    }    protected function aggregateResult($token, $info, &$results)    {        if (isset($results[$token]))        {            if ($info['delta'] < $results[$token]['min'])                $results[$token]['min'] = $info['delta'];            else if($info['delta'] > $results[$token]['max'])                $results[$token]['max'] = $info['delta'];            $results[$token]['calls']++;            $results[$token]['total'] += $info['delta'];            return;        }        $results[$token] = array(            'token' => $token,            'calls' => 1,            'min' => $info['delta'],            'max' => $info['delta'],            'total' => $info['delta'],            'category' => $info['category'],            'time' => $info['time']        );    }}

If you want to know how Yii measures a time of SQL execution you can look at the source code of CDbCommand class - queryInternal method, to be more precise. Profiling is between Yii::beginProfile('system.db.CDbCommand.query...') and Yii::endProfile('system.db.CDbCommand.query...') calls. As you can see both these calls are within the same method, as the result the time of profiling doesn't include a network transfer. Probably, the issue is that your remote database server runs under huge load.

There is a property of the CProfileLogRoute class called ignoreAjaxInFireBug which defaults to "true" by setting it to false you can get your profiling info on ajax requests.


'log'=>array(    'class'=>'CLogRouter',    'routes'=>array(                    array(                        'class'=>'CProfileLogRoute',                        'ignoreAjaxInFireBug'=>false,                        'levels'=>'error, warning, trace, info, profile',                    ),        ),

I don't believe ou need to use firebug for that work (it's kind of a misnomer). If you do however, just download firefox and install firebug and then your problem is still solved.