You do not have the necessary permissions to use msAccess 2000 db You do not have the necessary permissions to use msAccess 2000 db database database

You do not have the necessary permissions to use msAccess 2000 db

Earlier versions before 2007 had something called as the MDW (Microsoft Access Workgroup) file with the MDB .

If you cannot find this, you can create one. To create this file, first create a new shortcut Right click New > Shortcut>. When asked type the location of the item. You will need to enter the following, replacing MDB/MDW> to where your files are located and the version of Office you are using. It may be worth opening notepad so you can get the path right and then copy and paste.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\MSACCESS.EXE" ".mdb" /wrkgrp ".mdw" /user

Replace Office14 with your version of Microsoft office that is installed. To find this, browse to “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\ and note the “Office” folder.

Use this new shortcut to open your file. It should hopefully sort it out.

delete the .ldb file and this should solve your problem. The .ldb file is created when a new session is created. If the program crashes, the .ldb file will not be deleted.

Hope this helps you.