Assert that two lists of objects are equal in django testing Assert that two lists of objects are equal in django testing django django

Assert that two lists of objects are equal in django testing

To test two lists

use: assertSequenceEqual

Because, in this case, tags = Tag.objects.all() generates a django.db.models.query.QuerySet where as tag_list.append(...) creates a list.

Other options in different situations are:

  • assertListEqual(a, b)
  • assertTupleEqual(a, b)
  • assertSetEqual(a, b)
  • assertDictEqual(a, b)

Why <Tag: a> is not <Tag: a>

The tags are the same model, but they've been loaded into different places in memory

for tag_set in zip(tags, tag_list):    print "\n"    print tag_set[0].slug + "'s pk is %s" % tag_set[0].pk + ' id is: ' + id(tag_set[0])    print tag_set[1].slug + "'s pk is %s" % tag_set[1].pk + ' id is: ' + id(tag_set[1])    print "\n"    self.assertIs(*tag_set)


.......a's pk is 1 id is: 4522000208a's pk is 1 id is: 4522228112F.

Therefore, is will retrun False

I think what you want to test is if the tags created have the same slugs as those in your test list.

For that, fetch only the slug as a list with values_list, and then compare that:

assertEqual(Tag.objects.values_list('slug', flat=True), ['a','b','c'])

I have to say, this isn't quite a useful test because you are checking django orm functionality, which has already been tested quite well.

Your tests should check for specifics of your own application.