Asset managers for Django - choose which one? [closed] Asset managers for Django - choose which one? [closed] django django

Asset managers for Django - choose which one? [closed]

As you have already noticed, they all do the same thing (more or less). I decided to go ahead with django_compressor.

Also, I prefer to set expire headers or apply on-the-fly compression at the web server level. IMHO these operations should not be performed by the application itself, because sometimes it can lead to some issues, for instance setting Cache-Control or expiration headers on error pages etc. The mod_expires module is very easy to configure according to your needs. For on-the-fly compression using the DEFLATE output filter, I have used this mod_deflate configuration as is.

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You might want to take a look at django-pipeline, it's pretty nifty.

I've been using django-compress and I'm happy with it, especially because I can specify the back-end compressor (YUI works best with my JS for example).

I will probably consider switching to django_compressor in the future, but it's too low priority atm.

I would also point out that django-media-bundler has one feature the others don't... automatic building of image sprites. I haven't used it live, so I'm not sure how well it is implemented but that's pretty neat. You can use it just for the sprites and leave css/js for one of the other compressors.