Create users in LDAP using Django Create users in LDAP using Django django django

Create users in LDAP using Django

1) Your configuration has two authentication backends installed:

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', )

Django will attempt to authenticate against each one in turn until it finds one that succeeds (or until it runs out). Since your LDAP directory is empty, it will presumably always fail, so ModelBackend will always get a shot. If you don't want to authenticate users against the Django user database, you have to remove ModelBackend from the list.

2) django-auth-ldap doesn't propagate Django users up to LDAP, only the other way around. It's designed to allow Django deployments to authenticate against existing LDAP services that are managed separately. To manipulate the contents of an LDAP directory from a Django app you might want to look at django-ldapdb.