Cron and virtualenv Cron and virtualenv django django

Cron and virtualenv

You should be able to do this by using the python in your virtual environment:

/home/my/virtual/bin/python /home/my/project/ command arg

EDIT: If your django project isn't in the PYTHONPATH, then you'll need to switch to the right directory:

cd /home/my/project && /home/my/virtual/bin/python ...

You can also try to log the failure from cron:

cd /home/my/project && /home/my/virtual/bin/python /home/my/project/ > /tmp/cronlog.txt 2>&1

Another thing to try is to make the same change in your script at the very top:


Running source from a cronfile won't work as cron uses /bin/sh as its default shell, which doesn't support source. You need to set the SHELL environment variable to be /bin/bash:

SHELL=/bin/bash*/10 * * * * root source /path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate && /path/to/build/ some_command > /dev/null

It's tricky to spot why this fails as /var/log/syslog doesn't log the error details. Best to alias yourself to root so you get emailed with any cron errors. Simply add yourself to /etc/aliases and run sendmail -bi.

More info here:

the link above is changed to:

Don't look any further:

0 3 * * * /usr/bin/env bash -c 'cd /home/user/project && source /home/user/project/env/bin/activate && ./ command arg' > /dev/null 2>&1

Generic approach:

* * * * * /usr/bin/env bash -c 'YOUR_COMMAND_HERE' > /dev/null 2>&1

The beauty about this is you DO NOT need to change the SHELL variable for crontab from sh to bash