Determine complete Django url configuration Determine complete Django url configuration django django

Determine complete Django url configuration

Django extensions provides a utility to do this as a command.

pip install django-extensions

Then add django_extensions to your INSTALLED_APPS in then from the console just type the following

python show_urls

Django is Python, so introspection is your friend.

In the shell, import urls. By looping through urls.urlpatterns, and drilling down through as many layers of included url configurations as possible, you can build the complete url configuration.

import urlsurls.urlpatterns

The list urls.urlpatterns contains RegexURLPattern and RegexURLResolver objects.

For a RegexURLPattern object p you can display the regular expression with


For a RegexURLResolver object q, which represents an included url configuration, you can display the first part of the regular expression with


Then use


which will return a further list of RegexURLResolver and RegexURLPattern objects.

At the risk of adding a "me too" answer, I am posting a modified version of the above submitted script that gives you a view listing all the URLs in the project, somewhat prettified and sorted alphabetically, and the views that they call. More of a developer tool than a production page.

def all_urls_view(request):    from your_site.urls import urlpatterns #this import should be inside the function to avoid an import loop    nice_urls = get_urls(urlpatterns) #build the list of urls recursively and then sort it alphabetically    return render(request, "yourapp/links.html", {"links":nice_urls})def get_urls(raw_urls, nice_urls=[], urlbase=''):    '''Recursively builds a list of all the urls in the current project and the name of their associated view'''    from operator import itemgetter    for entry in raw_urls:        fullurl = (urlbase + entry.regex.pattern).replace('^','')        if entry.callback: #if it points to a view            viewname = entry.callback.func_name            nice_urls.append({"pattern": fullurl,                   "location": viewname})        else: #if it points to another urlconf, recur!            get_urls(entry.url_patterns, nice_urls, fullurl)    nice_urls = sorted(nice_urls, key=itemgetter('pattern')) #sort alphabetically    return nice_urls

and the template:

<ul>{% for link in links %}<li>{{link.pattern}}   -----   {{link.location}}</li>{% endfor%}</ul>

If you wanted to get real fancy you could render the list with input boxes for any of the regexes that take variables to pass to the view (again as a developer tool rather than production page).