Django Cache cache.set Not storing data Django Cache cache.set Not storing data django django

Django Cache cache.set Not storing data

Make sure it's using the correct cache. Try from django.core.cache import caches, and then see the contents of caches.all(). It should just have one instance of django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache.
If it is, try accessing that directly, e.g.

from django.core.cache import caches  m_cache = caches.all()[0]m_cache.set("stack","overflow",3000)m_cache.get("stack")

This might not solve your problem, but will at least get you closer to debugging Memcached instead of Django's cache proxy or your configuration.

I believe django augments the key with a version. For example,

django_memcache.set('my_key', 'django', 1000)

will set the key :1:my_key in memcache:

<36 set :1:my_key 0 1000 6>36 STORED

However, if you set the key through telnet or python-memcached module, it will store the raw key as expected:

<38 set my_key 0 1000 13 >38 STORED

So, perhaps you are not querying the correct key?
