Django compress error: Invalid input of type: 'CacheKey' Django compress error: Invalid input of type: 'CacheKey' django django

Django compress error: Invalid input of type: 'CacheKey'

This appears to be an issue with the underlying redis library. Try pinning your redis version to 2.10.6, from August 17, 2017. The new version 3, released Nov 15, has this incompatible change.

pip install redis==2.10.6# and/orecho redis==2.10.6 >> requirements.txt

I am not sure what package you are using which may be requiring redis as a dependency, or if you are using it yourself. In either case its the same process.

I just started having this issue as well, but through the django-redis package, which requires the underlying redis lib. However, that package actually doesn't restrict the maximum version, so it happily upgrades past a major version bump, which you can't really do since thats where you expect the API to change!

The exact code, in master at django-redis:

install_requires = [    "redis>=2.10.0",]

But it should really be this

install_requires = [    "redis>=2.10.0, <3",]

Edit: I found the bug report in django-redis (#342) about this just now, but this SO question came up first in google when I was looking into it.