Django - Create A Zip of Multiple Files and Make It Downloadable [duplicate] Django - Create A Zip of Multiple Files and Make It Downloadable [duplicate] django django

Django - Create A Zip of Multiple Files and Make It Downloadable [duplicate]

I've posted this on the duplicate question which Willy linked to, but since questions with a bounty cannot be closed as a duplicate, might as well copy it here too:

import osimport zipfileimport StringIOfrom django.http import HttpResponsedef getfiles(request):    # Files (local path) to put in the .zip    # FIXME: Change this (get paths from DB etc)    filenames = ["/tmp/file1.txt", "/tmp/file2.txt"]    # Folder name in ZIP archive which contains the above files    # E.g []/somefiles/file2.txt    # FIXME: Set this to something better    zip_subdir = "somefiles"    zip_filename = "" % zip_subdir    # Open StringIO to grab in-memory ZIP contents    s = StringIO.StringIO()    # The zip compressor    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(s, "w")    for fpath in filenames:        # Calculate path for file in zip        fdir, fname = os.path.split(fpath)        zip_path = os.path.join(zip_subdir, fname)        # Add file, at correct path        zf.write(fpath, zip_path)    # Must close zip for all contents to be written    zf.close()    # Grab ZIP file from in-memory, make response with correct MIME-type    resp = HttpResponse(s.getvalue(), mimetype = "application/x-zip-compressed")    # ..and correct content-disposition    resp['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % zip_filename    return resp

So as I understand your problem is not how to generate dynamically this file, but creating a link for people to download it...

What I suggest is the following:

0) Create a model for your file, if you want to generate it dynamically don't use the FileField, but just the info you need for generating this file:

class ZipStored(models.Model):    zip = FileField(upload_to="/choose/a/path/")

1) Create and store your Zip. This step is important, you create your zip in memory, and then cast it to assign it to the FileField:

function create_my_zip(request, [...]):    [...]    # This is a in-memory file    file_like = StringIO.StringIO()    # Create your zip, do all your stuff    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(file_like, mode='w')    [...]    # Your zip is saved in this "file"    zf.close()    # To store it we can use a InMemoryUploadedFile    inMemory = InMemoryUploadedFile(file_like, None, "my_zip_%s" % filename, 'application/zip', file_like.len, None)    zip = ZipStored(zip=inMemory)    # Your zip will be stored!    # Notify the user the zip was created or whatever    [...]

2) Create a url, for example get a number matching the id, you can also use a slugfield (this)

url(r'^get_my_zip/(\d+)$', "zippyApp.views.get_zip")

3) Now the view, this view will return the file matching the id passed in the url, you can also use a slug sending the text instead of the id, and make the get filtering by your slugfield.

function get_zip(request, id):    myzip = ZipStored.object.get(pk = id)    filename ='/')[-1]    # You got the zip! Now, return it!    response = HttpResponse(myzip.file, content_type='application/zip')    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % filename