django_debug_toolbar and Docker django_debug_toolbar and Docker django django

django_debug_toolbar and Docker

Using the configuration SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK woked for me

def show_toolbar(request):        return TrueDEBUG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG = {    'SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK': show_toolbar,}

I hope that helped :)

If you would like to do this programatically and not copy/pasting your container IP, I'd suggest you do like the django-cookiecutter folks. In your local settings file:

INTERNAL_IPS = ['', ]import socket# tricks to have debug toolbar when developing with dockerip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())INTERNAL_IPS += [ip[:-1] + '1']

For reference, this is the link to the django-cookiecutter settings file.

You could just make INTERNAL_IPS an object which contains everything. This is what I do:

if DEBUG:    # `debug` is only True in templates if the vistor IP is in INTERNAL_IPS.    INTERNAL_IPS = type(str('c'), (), {'__contains__': lambda *a: True})()

Of course you should never do this on a production host!


The type function (three arguments variant: creates a new class which in this case only has a __contains__ method ( -- contains is used to implement membership tests, meaning that this method is called when running e.g. "if ip in INTERNAL_IPS". The contains method itself would probably be clearer if written as "def __contains__(self):\n return True". The newly created class is immediately instantiated (the final "()") and assigned to INTERNAL_IPS