Django foreign key relation in template Django foreign key relation in template django django

Django foreign key relation in template

If you review the foreign key documentation, if you have a relationship like

Doc -> has many DocImages

you need to define your foreign key on the DocImages class like so:

class DocImage(models.Model):    property = models.ForeignKey(Doc, related_name='images')

If you don't set related names, you can access the DocImages from the Doc like:


Docs on Related Objects

But setting related_name in the property field lets you do


Just make sure whatever you pass to the template in the view context matches what is used in the template, e.g.

# in the viewreturn render_to_response('mytemplate.html', { 'mydoc' : doc, 'mydocimage' : img }

This can then be used in the template as follows:

# and in your template to get the images attached to the document{% for i in mydoc.images.all %}    ...{% endfor %}# or to get the document the image belongs to{{ }}

  • first you iterate over the result
  • the images related to a Doc are retrieved by the images property of doc which is generated from the related_name attribute in the ForeignKey


{% for doc in result %}  {% for docimage in doc.images.all %}    {{ docimage.image.url }}  {% endfor %}{% endfor %}