Django FormView does not have form context Django FormView does not have form context django django

Django FormView does not have form context

In the context, form should be the instantiated form, not the form class. Defining the form_class is completely separate from including the instantiated form in the context data.

For the example you've given, I think you'd be better to override get_context_data instead of get.

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):    context = super(PrefsView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)    context['pagetitle'] = 'My special Title'    return context

override the get_context_data, context['form'] take from SomeForm, and chage to form_1, you can use in template as form_1

class Something(generic.CreateView):        template_name = 'app/example.html'        form_class = forms.SomeForm        model = models.SomeModel            def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):            context = super(Something, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)            context["form_1"] = context["form"]            context["form_2"] = forms.SomeForm2(**self.get_form_kwargs())            return context