django-haystack ordering - How do I handle this? django-haystack ordering - How do I handle this? django django

django-haystack ordering - How do I handle this?

You must have a index in your with in_stock:

class YourModel(indexes.SearchIndex):    in_stock = indexes.BooleanField(model_attr='model_in_stock')

and in your urls:

sqs = SearchQuerySet().models(YourModel).order_by('-in_stock', 'score') # score is a field of haystack

In this way, you show the results first if they are in stock and then by score!

To sort on a CharField, make it storable, but not indexable.

sorted_name = indexes.CharField(indexed=False, stored=True)

If you need to have it sortable and indexable, use two different fields in the SearchIndex.