Django: ordering numerical value with order_by Django: ordering numerical value with order_by django django

Django: ordering numerical value with order_by

If you're sure there are only integers in the field, you could get the database to cast it as an integer via the extra method, and order by that:

MyModel.objects.extra(    select={'myinteger': 'CAST(mycharfield AS INTEGER)'}).order_by('myinteger')

Django is trying to deprecate the extra() method, but has introduced Cast() in v1.10. In sqlite (at least), CAST can take a value such as 10a and will cast it to the integer 10, so you can do:

from django.db.models import IntegerFieldfrom django.db.models.functions import CastMyModel.objects.annotate(    my_integer_field=Cast('my_char_field', IntegerField())).order_by('my_integer_field', 'my_char_field')

which will return objects sorted by the street number first numerically, then alphabetically, e.g. ...14, 15a, 15b, 16, 16a, 17...

If you're using PostgreSQL (not sure about MySQL) you can safely use following code on char/text fields and avoid cast errors:

MyModel.objects.extra(    select={'myinteger': "CAST(substring(charfield FROM '^[0-9]+') AS INTEGER)"}).order_by('myinteger')