Django pipeline Cache Busting is not Updating Cached File/Hash Django pipeline Cache Busting is not Updating Cached File/Hash django django

Django pipeline Cache Busting is not Updating Cached File/Hash

Try using the manifest storage instead:

class S3PipelineManifestStorage(PipelineMixin, ManifestFilesMixin, S3BotoStorage):    pass

According to the django docs here it's not recommended to use CachedStaticFilesStorage.

Your files names for your static files are probably getting cached. So use the manifest one.

CachedStaticFilesStorage isn’t recommended – in almost all cases ManifestStaticFilesStorage is a better choice. There are several performance penalties when using CachedStaticFilesStorage since a cache miss requires hashing files at runtime. Remote file storage require several round-trips to hash a file on a cache miss, as several file accesses are required to ensure that the file hash is correct in the case of nested file paths.

Note this is also documented at django-pipelines