Django-rest-auth use cookie instead of Authorization header Django-rest-auth use cookie instead of Authorization header django django

Django-rest-auth use cookie instead of Authorization header

I would override the authenticate method of TokenAuthentication, assuming the token is in auth_token cookie:

class TokenAuthSupportCookie(TokenAuthentication):    """    Extend the TokenAuthentication class to support cookie based authentication    """    def authenticate(self, request):        # Check if 'auth_token' is in the request cookies.        # Give precedence to 'Authorization' header.        if 'auth_token' in request.COOKIES and \                        'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' not in request.META:            return self.authenticate_credentials(                request.COOKIES.get('auth_token').encode("utf-8")            )        return super().authenticate(request)

Then set django-rest-framework to use that class in settings:

REST_FRAMEWORK = {    # other settings...    'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': (        '<path>.TokenAuthSupportCookie',    ),}