django_rest_swagger - 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of: django_rest_swagger - 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of: django django

django_rest_swagger - 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of:

The problem is that staticfiles template tag was deprecated in Django 2.2 and is finally removed in Django 3.0

The djagno-rest-swagger package itself is deprecated and is no longer maintained.

Their GitHub repo recommends something like drf-yasg

The library is deprecated

Quick fix(at your own risk): go to site-packages/rest_framework_swagger/templates/rest_framework_swagger/index.html

The line with {% load staticfiles %} (line 2) should be {% load static %}. You can edit it manually

You can solve this issue by adding the following code snippet to TEMPLATES in

    'libraries': {                      'staticfiles': 'django.templatetags.static',                 },

Like this