Django slugified urls - how to handle collisions? Django slugified urls - how to handle collisions? django django

Django slugified urls - how to handle collisions?

One thing I never liked about the unique slug fields/methods is that if you have a lot of clashes for a single title, you'll end up running several queries to try and determine an available slug. I know you mentioned you don't want to show the id for non-clashing slugs, but, as far as performance, I think it's the better route to take. To make the URL a little nicer looking, I prefer also to embed the id before the slug, so that a URL takes the form of

I would recommend something like AutoSlugField. It has a few options available with respect to configuring uniqueness (unique and unique_with), and has the added benefit of being able to automatically generate slugs based on another field on your model, if you so choose.

from django.template.defaultfilters import slugifydef slugify_unique(value, model, slugfield="slug"):        suffix = 0        potential = base = slugify(value)        while True:            if suffix:                potential = "-".join([base, str(suffix)])            if not model.objects.filter(**{slugfield: potential}).count():                return potential            suffix += 1      """above function is not my code, but i don't remember exactly where it comes fromyou can find many snippets with such solutions searching for 'unique slug' and so"""class ReviewForm(forms.ModelForm):    def save(self, user, commit=True):            self.instance.slug = slugify_unique(self.cleaned_data['title'], self.Meta.model)                               review = super(ReviewForm, self).save(commit)        return review    class Meta:        model = Review

of course change the appropriate names and form definition, but you get the idea :)