Django: "Too many values to unpack" when calling user.objects.get() Django: "Too many values to unpack" when calling user.objects.get() django django

Django: "Too many values to unpack" when calling user.objects.get()

Turns out that the problem here was actually very unrelated to the errors thrown.

I realized I was actually calling


instead of


which is why the errors were being thrown. If you look into the Django source code, you'll find that when building a filter for a QuerySet, Django unpacks the field name and data for use in the filter, but since I had provided no field name to objects.get(...), there was an error thrown when unpacking.

Used the Werkzeug live browser debugger for this; I highly recommend it.

You have to implement has_module_perms method as stated in the Django custom user documentation:

If you want your custom User model to also work with Admin, your User model must define some additional attributes and methods.