Getting model ContentType in migration - Django 1.7 Getting model ContentType in migration - Django 1.7 django django

Getting model ContentType in migration - Django 1.7

The answer is:

apps.get_model('contenttypes', 'ContentType') 

:) Needed it myself today.

For Django 2.1 I had to import apps from global registry because passed apps into migration were instances of django.db.migrations.state.AppConfigStub without populated models_module attribute. And create_contenttypes is checking this attribute.

from django.apps.registry import Apps, apps as global_appsfrom import create_contenttypesfrom django.db import migrationsdef add_permision(apps: Apps, schema_editor):    my_app_config = global_apps.get_app_config('my_app')    create_contenttypes(my_app_config)    ...

Having a similar issue when writing a data migration that spans several apps. Turns out Django only loads those models into the app registry that are affected by what the "dependencies" member of the migration states:

Had to basically add an entry to the migration dependencies that I use that is not directly related by e.g. a ForeignKey to the app that is currently being migrated.