git aws.push: No module named boto git aws.push: No module named boto django django

git aws.push: No module named boto

On OSX I found that pip install boto did not resolve the issue.The problem was that python was not pointing to the pip installation.export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packagesresolved this for me.

I solved this separately by running:

$ sudo easy_install pip

This uses the default python package installer to install PIP

$ sudo pip install boto 

I needed Admin rights to add boto (I don't know if thats right or not).

Then ran $ eb start

Did you pip freeze > requirements.txt after you ran pip install boto?

You need to update your requirements.txt after each time you install a new python package locally to ensure your AWS instance has all the required packages as well.


In case you aren't the one who wrote boto in, you'll need to install it and then pip freeze it yourself.

Try running the following commands:

pip install botopip freeze > requirements.txtgit add .git commit -m "Added boto"git aws.push