Haystack and Elasticsearch: Limit number of results Haystack and Elasticsearch: Limit number of results django django

Haystack and Elasticsearch: Limit number of results

Haystack works kinda different from Django ORM. After limiting the queryset, you should call get_results() in order to get limited results. This is actually smart, because it avoids multiple requests from Elastic.


# Assume you have 800 records.sqs = SearchQuerySet()sqs.query.set_limits(low=0, high=4)len(sqs)  # Will return 800 recordslen(sqs.get_results())  # Will return first 4 records.

Hope that it helps.

Adding on to the Yigit answer, if you want to have these offsets on filtered records just add filter condition when you form the SearchQuerySet.

Also remember once the limits are set you can't change them by setting them again. You would need to form the SearchQuerySet() again, or there is a method to clear the limits.

results = SearchQuerySet().filter(content="keyword")#we have a filtered resultSet now let's find specific recordsresults.query.set_limits(0,4)return results.query.get_results()