How can a do a "greatest-n-per-group" query in django? How can a do a "greatest-n-per-group" query in django? django django

How can a do a "greatest-n-per-group" query in django?

You can't do this in one query in Django. You can get the customer with just the date of their most recent purchase like this:

from django.db.models import Maxcustomers = Customer.objects.annotate(Max('purchase__date'))

but you don't automatically get access to the actual purchase this way.

SELECT  *FROM    customers сLEFT JOIN        purchases pON =         (        SELECT  id        FROM    purchases pl        WHERE   pl.customer =        ORDER BY                pl.customer DESC, DESC        LIMIT 1        )

Make sure you have a composite index on purchases (customer, date) if your table is InnoDB, or on purchases (customer, date, id) if your table is MyISAM.