How can I handle Exceptions raised by django-social-auth? How can I handle Exceptions raised by django-social-auth? django django

How can I handle Exceptions raised by django-social-auth?

Rather old question but worth mention that recent version of DSA supports a custom exception processor where you can do whatever you want with the exception message. The default version stores them in the messages app.

Also the exceptions are differentiated now instead of the not-useful ValueError used. Check the docs

Update (13/08/2013):

Since I've posted the above things have changed, now DSA has an exception middleware that when enabled stores the exception message in the jango builtin messages app. It's preferable to subclass the middleware and add the custom behavior to it. Check the doc at

Sample middleware:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-from social_auth.middleware import SocialAuthExceptionMiddlewarefrom social_auth.exceptions import AuthFailedfrom django.contrib import messagesclass CustomSocialAuthExceptionMiddleware( SocialAuthExceptionMiddleware):    def get_message(self, request, exception):        msg = None        if (isinstance(exception, AuthFailed) and             exception.message == u"User not allowed"):            msg =   u"Not in whitelist"         else:            msg =   u"Some other problem"            messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, msg)     

I've ecountered the same problem and it seems, that creating wrapper view is the best way to handle this situation, at this point, atleast. Here is how I had mine done:

def social_auth_login(request, backend):    """        This view is a wrapper to social_auths auth        It is required, because social_auth just throws ValueError and gets user to 500 error        after every unexpected action. This view handles exceptions in human friendly way.        See    """    from social_auth.views import auth    try:        # if everything is ok, then original view gets returned, no problem        return auth(request, backend)    except ValueError, error:        # in case of errors, let's show a special page that will explain what happened        return render_to_response('users/login_error.html',                                  locals(),                                  context_instance=RequestContext(request))

You will have to setup url for it:

urlpatterns = patterns('',    # ...    url(r'^social_auth_login/([a-z]+)$',  social_auth_login, name='users-social-auth-login'), )

And then use it as before in template:

<a href="{% url 'users-social-auth-login' "google" %}">Log in with Google</a>

Hope this helps, even aftern two months after question was asked :)

You need add social auth middleware:

MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ('social_auth.middleware.SocialAuthExceptionMiddleware',)

If any error occurs user will be redirected to erorr url(LOGIN_ERROR_URL from settings).

For detailed explanation please see documentation: