How can I schedule a Task to execute at a specific time using celery? How can I schedule a Task to execute at a specific time using celery? django django

How can I schedule a Task to execute at a specific time using celery?


YourTask.apply_async(args=[some, args, here], eta=when)

And at the end of your task, reschedule it to the next time it should run.

The recently released version 1.0.3 supports this now, thanks to Patrick Altman!


from celery.task.schedules import crontabfrom celery.decorators import periodic_task@periodic_task(run_every=crontab(hour=7, minute=30, day_of_week="mon"))def every_monday_morning():    print("This runs every Monday morning at 7:30a.m.")

See the changelog for more information:

I have just submitted a patch to add a ScheduledTask to accomplish a small bit of time based scheduling versus period based: