how to catch the MultipleObjectsReturned error in django how to catch the MultipleObjectsReturned error in django django django

how to catch the MultipleObjectsReturned error in django

Use a filter:


Or import the exception:

from django.core.exceptions import MultipleObjectsReturned...try:    Location.objects.get(name='Paul')except MultipleObjectsReturned:    Location.objects.filter(name='Paul').first()

This is more pythonic way to do it.

try:    Location.objects.get(name='Paul')except Location.MultipleObjectsReturned:    Location.objects.filter(name='Paul')[0]

This isn't the best practice. You can technically do this without using exceptions. Did you intend to use Location and Car in this example?

You can do this:


I strongly suggest you read the Django QuerySet API reference.

To answer your question about where the exception exists -- you can always access these QuerySet exceptions on the model itself. E.g. Location.DoesNotExist and Location.MultipleObjectsReturned. You don't need to import them if you already have the model imported.