How to disable Django query cache? How to disable Django query cache? django django

How to disable Django query cache?

I came across behavior that I thought was some kind of caching, but it turned out to be database transactions fooling me.

I had the problem where in another process, items were get added to the database, and I wanted to monitor progress of the other process, so I opened up a django shell and issued the following:

>>> MyData.objects.count()74674>>> MyData.objects.count()74674

The value wasn't changing, even though it actually was in the database. I realized that at least with the way I had MySQL & django setup that I was in a transaction and would only see a "snapshot" of the database at the time I opened the transaction.

Since with views in django, I had autocommit behavior defined, this was fine for each view to only see a snapshot, as the next time a view was called it would be in a different transaction. But for a piece of code that was not automatically committing, it would not see any changes in the db except those that were made in this transaction.

Just thought I would toss this answer in for anyone who may come upon this situation.

To solve, commit your transaction, which can be manually done like so:

>> from django.db import transaction>> transaction.enter_transaction_management()>> transaction.commit() # Whenever you want to see new data

Query caching only applies within a QuerySet. In other words, if you evaluate the same queryset object twice, query caching will operate. But if you are doing a query every 10 seconds, presumably this is via a cron that spawns a new process each time, so there is no way Django will cache anything.

It is possible that your database's own cache will come into operation if you're repeatedly performing exactly the same query. You should look at the documentation for your DBMS to see how to manage that properly.

The link you provide to the Django Documentation implies that the following:

>>> print [e.headline for e in Entry.objects.all()]>>> print [e.pub_date for e in Entry.objects.all()]

creates two queries to the database, whilst:

>>> queryset = Poll.objects.all()>>> print [p.headline for p in queryset] # Evaluate the query set.>>> print [p.pub_date for p in queryset] # Re-use the cache from the evaluation.

uses the query cache, as you are accessing the same evaluation results.