How to export virtualenv? How to export virtualenv? django django

How to export virtualenv?

You don't copy paste your virtualenv. You export the list of all the packages installed like -

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Then push the requirements.txt file to anywhere you want to deploy the code, and then just do what you did on dev machine -

$ virtualenv <env_name>$ source <env_name>/bin/activate(<env_name>)$ pip install -r path/to/requirements.txt

And there you have all your packages installed with the exact version.

You can also look into Fabric to automate this task, with a function like this -

def pip_install():    with cd(env.path):        with prefix('source venv/bin/activate'):            run('pip install -r requirements.txt')

You can install virtualenvwrapper and try cpvirtualenv, but the developers advise caution here:


Copying virtual environments is not well supported. Each virtualenv has path information hard-coded into it, and there may be cases where the copy code does not know it needs to update a particular file. Use with caution.

If it is going to be on the same path you can tar it and extract it on another machine. If all the same dependencies, libraries etc are available on the target machine it will work.