How to make Django slugify work properly with Unicode strings? How to make Django slugify work properly with Unicode strings? django django

How to make Django slugify work properly with Unicode strings?

There is a python package called unidecode that I've adopted for the askbot Q&A forum, it works well for the latin-based alphabets and even looks reasonable for greek:

>>> import unidecode>>> from unidecode import unidecode>>> unidecode(u'διακριτικός')'diakritikos'

It does something weird with asian languages:

>>> unidecode(u'影師嗎')'Ying Shi Ma '>>> 

Does this make sense?

In askbot we compute slugs like so:

from unidecode import unidecodefrom django.template import defaultfiltersslug = defaultfilters.slugify(unidecode(input_text))

With Django >= 1.9, django.utils.text.slugify has a allow_unicode parameter:

>>> slugify("你好 World", allow_unicode=True)"你好-world"

If you use Django <= 1.8 (which you should not since April 2018), you can pick up the code from Django 1.9.