How to programmatically generate celerybeat entries with celery and Django How to programmatically generate celerybeat entries with celery and Django django django

How to programmatically generate celerybeat entries with celery and Django

This is what ended up working for me :

def addTask(request):  intervalSchedule = IntervalSchedule.from_schedule(schedule(timedelta(seconds=10)))  modelData = dict(      name="dcTestPersist",      task="technologytrackerapi.tasks.createRecord",,  )  periodicTask = PeriodicTask(**modelData)  me = ModelEntry(periodicTask)  try:  except:    from django.db import connection    print connection.queries    raise  return render_to_response('taskView.html')

I had to wrap the Periodic Task in a ModelEntry.

I think what you want to do is add PeriodicTasks to the database. Looks like the bottom section of is how they add in tasks in the admin -- you'll need to offer something similar on the front end.