ImportError: No module named django_filters ImportError: No module named django_filters django django

ImportError: No module named django_filters

My pip version was old, really old. 1.5.6 When I installed my virtual environment it just worked, so I didn't question. Lesson learned! Here is what I did in case it helps someone else...

In the virtual environment, I installed pip as described in the docs: This upgraded me to pip 6.1.1

pip install django-filterpip freeze > requirements.txt

Reading requirements.txt showed I had


So I uninstalled the older version with pip uninstall django-filters

notice the s on the older version but not on the new one

Really basic stuff but it really tripped me up. Thanks to anyone who took time to look into this!

I also had the same issue. Even after installing django-filters I couldn't import it

ImportError: No module named django_filters

The Django version I'm using is 1.8 and python version is 2.7.x

Solution is to install djangorestframework-filters

pip install djangorestframework-filters

The names are very confusing.

However django-rest-framework-filters is an extension to Django REST framework and Django filter that makes it easy to filter across relationships while Django-filter is a reusable Django application allowing users to declaratively add dynamic QuerySet filtering from URL parameters.

I also encountered this issue installing django-filter==2.2.0

This was my Django version:

Django [required: >=1.11, installed: 2.2]

INSTALLED_APPS = [    # ...    'django_filters',]

I mistakenly installed with:

pipenv install django_filters

This is the correct installation:

pipenv install django-filter

Hope it helps.