ImproperlyConfigured: The included urlconf <project>.urls doesn't have any patterns in it ImproperlyConfigured: The included urlconf <project>.urls doesn't have any patterns in it django django

ImproperlyConfigured: The included urlconf <project>.urls doesn't have any patterns in it

So, I actually ran into a similar problem. Coincidentally after you posted in the issues for django-stronghold. The issue is in fact due to a missing setting in django-debug-toolbar.

The setting you are missing is:


It will work with runserver, but if you try to run it with honcho, or gunicorn, or anything else that uses the WSGI interface it blows up.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: as mentioned below by @japhyr, its useful to check out the explicit setup instructions:

I used reverse instead of reverse_lazy to define the url parameter of a RedirectView.

class YourRedirectView(RedirectView):    url = reverse('reversed_url')

Since the has not been initialized yet the error is coming up. Just use:

class YourRedirectView(RedirectView):    url = reverse_lazy('reversed_url')

I've suffered a similar problem after upgrading from django 1.5 to 1.6. I'm not sure if my experience is the same as yours.

First, can you scroll up the errors, and check the admin.autodiscover() is what's generating the problem? Alternatively comment out this line and see if a page will load.

The problem I found was related to Is it possible for you to post this file?