Invalid requirements.txt on deploying django app to aws beanstalk Invalid requirements.txt on deploying django app to aws beanstalk django django

Invalid requirements.txt on deploying django app to aws beanstalk

I had the exact same problem. The only thing that worked for me was (automatically) rebuilding my entire environment. You can do that in the AWS console. Go to your environment and click Actions > Rebuild Environment. This will take some time, afterwards it will automatically relaunch your app without this error.


The problem keeps returning so now and then. I figured out that something is going wrong when pip compiles psycopg, which is needed for postgreSQL support. Haven't found a real solution yet.

I was able to make this work by adding postgresql93-devel and postgresql93 to my .ebextensions

as described in Customizing the Software on EC2 Instances Running Linux

This is working for 64bit Amazon Linux 2014.09 v1.0.9 running Python 2.7

in .ebextensions/01_pre_deps.config:

packages:  yum:    gcc-c++: []    make: []    openssl-devel: []    git: []    python-devel: []    python27-devel: []    ruby-devel: []    postgresql93: []    postgresql93-devel: []    # nginx: []  rubygems:    bundler: '1.7.3'    compass-core: '1.1.0.alpha.3'    neat-compass: '1.6.0'

Have you made sure mysql-devel package is installed? It doesn't seem to be included in the yum section of your config file.