Matplotlib: interactive plot on a web server Matplotlib: interactive plot on a web server django django

Matplotlib: interactive plot on a web server

If you're looking for flash-like interactivity in a web application, matplotlib probably isn't what you're looking for. It's fine for rendering a static image to serve out in a web app, though. (and is amazingly flexible)

However, there's been a lot of recent development on making matplotlib more oriented toward web interactivity. Take a look at the new HTML5/Canvas backend. It's not quite finished yet, but it's worth playing around with, anyway.

You can use MPLD3 to export your existing matplotlib stuff to browser.
Matplotlib itself is very powerful, albeit, I agree the documentation is not very extensive.
I've learned it just by trying stuff out and finding examples on the net.
'matplotlib example X' where X is somewhat about what you are trying to plot find suprising amount of code on the net.

I have never used matplotlib, but how about using Google's Chart API for charts?