NoReverseMatch Exception help in Django NoReverseMatch Exception help in Django django django

NoReverseMatch Exception help in Django

Try using:

return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('poll_results', kwargs={'object_id':}))

Are you sure that's where your error really is? Based on the error message, it sounds like either in a view or in a template you are trying to reverse 'polls/poll_results' (in a template, you may be doing something like {% url polls/poll_results %})

I could not find any explanation that fixed the problem, until I ran across this person's abridged Django tutorial:

It's basically a line in the details template, which should be:

<form action="/polls/{{ }}/vote/" method="post">

Instead of:

<form action="{% url '' %}" method="post">

I'm not sure why this fixed the issue, but it did for me. I'd love an explanation if anyone has one.